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Ivan V

Вокруг света

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A few tips...

1. Big companies will ignore you unless you have a contact. Don't speak to the secretary if you can get straight to the boss.
2. Small companies will probably help you, if you can assure them of some return: try and get some local press to cover your trip. Make your requests personal and specific.
3. You can buy so much cheap stuff on eBay- it's easier than being rejected by hundreds of companies.
4. You have to sell yourself: there are so many people doing trips now. How are you different? What can you offer them?
5. Get a job. Buy the stuff you need. Ride. If you can't afford it, do something cheaper. Don't let budget issues stop your adventuring. See how much cash you have in your bank today, sell everything you don't need (most things), get on your bike and pedal away into the sunset. Stop making excuses to delay.

1. Get a simple Press Release with a photo and map that explains concisely what you are doing.
2. Aim small- National Geographic will not be interested until you have worked your way up the ladder beginning with your local papers.
3. Make a website. Tell everyone about it.

1. You have a choice- spend loads of cash and have a short trip, or eat cheap, sleep in fields and travel for a long time.
2. I can think of nowhere on Earth that you could not cycle for less than $5 a day. Don't eat in cafes, drink water, sleep in fields, eat the cheapest food every single meal, never buy treats, and then you can travel for a long time. Money should not prevent you traveling.

1. A tent and cooker are heavy, but they liberate you and allow you to travel cheap.
2. Good quality bikes are useful in poor countries with no bike shops, but in the rest of the world you can just set off and ride on whatever you have lying around. Don't wait 10 years saving up, because then you will never start. Gear is really over-rated, unless you are somewhere really hardcore.

1. www.lonelyplanet.com has a section called the Thorn Tree. It is a gem and will solve all your problems. For every question you ask, try to answer one for somebody else.
2. Visas are generally not a big deal. Just go to the Embassy of the country you want to visit, fill out a few forms and pay some cash. There are hardly any countries that are more complicated than that.

Basically I would encourage you to just leap on your bike and ride- you will figure it out very quickly!
Good luck!

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о,это великое повествование можно читать только на языке оригинала;) вот буквальный перевод с транслэйт.руНесколько подсказок... СУБСИДИРОВАНИЕ: 1. Большие компании будут игнорировать Вас, если Вы не имеете контакт. Не говорите с секретарем, если Вы можете стать прямыми боссу. 2. Маленькие компании вероятно помогут Вам, если Вы можете уверить их в некотором возвращении: пробуйте и заставляйте некоторую местную прессу покрывать вашу поездку. Сделайте ваши запросы личными и определенными. 3. Вы можете купить так много дешевого материала на eBay-, это легче чем быть отклоненным сотнями компаний. 4. Вы должны продать себя: есть очень много людей, делающих поездки теперь.

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